Two Interesting Lectures by Dr. Pechlivanidis
Posted on: March 19, 2012
Date of the event:
May 2012
Dr. Christos Pechlivanidis will deliver two interesting lectures on philosophy in Thessaloniki (April) and in Athens (May):
1. "Apagoge and Phantasia in Aristotle".
Lecture at the Department of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Thessaloniki: Old Building of the School of Philosophy (Ethnikis Amynis Str.), 1st floor - 215 hall, Wednesday, May 2nd at 19:30
Click here to view the poster.
2. "The concept of 'apagoge' in Aristotle's logical system".
Lecture at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens.
Athens: Zografou Campus, Main Building of the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Teaching Classrooms, Monday, May 28th at 16:00