Papanikolaou Hospital Project
The "Papanikolaou Hospital Project", a pilot service learning program which began this fall, ended successfully on December 6th for Anatolia students: Ellise Bash (ACT), Penny Boutaris (A' Lyceum), Alexander Goropoulos (A' Lyceum), Meletis Nigdelis (A' Lyceum), Tatiana Ilia (B' Lyceum), Narin Ismail (B' Lyceum), Katerina Tori (I.B.). Students voluntarily spent 25 hours each working in the Emergency State Hospital Ward, alongside doctors and nursing staff, on days when the hospital was on duty for the whole region. Students were also required to completed 5 hours of training in first aid and to submit daily work logs in order to receive hospital certification. The program was run through the ACT International Programs Office and the U.S. Counseling Office at Anatolia.